We are proud to work as a team to provide a happy, safe, stimulating and creative environment in which to learn and grow. Central to our ethos is our commitment to value and nurture each child as an individual, to enable them to achieve their best and develop an enthusiasm for lifelong learning which we believe can be life changing. Their efforts, big or small, will be praised and celebrated.
We have nine bright classrooms and a nursery, a spacious hall, community room, nurture room, sensory room, professional development learning space and a newly designed library. We offer up-to-date computing facilities, alongside opportunities for music, drama and sport.
Our extensive grounds enable us to use our beautiful garden, wild area, forest zone and classroom, along with our vegetable patch, for outdoor learning; together with our attractive main playground and multiple play areas, we are extremely fortunate to have countless opportunities for learning and imaginative play.
Teachers provide exciting “hands-on” learning opportunities that challenge thinking. Work is planned to meet the needs of every child and our aim is for pupils to become confident, motivated and enthusiastic learners for life. Visitors are welcomed in to school and nursery to talk to our children about their expertise in an area of learning and educational trips are organised to further develop and reinforce their experience of a topic. Our Year 2 children also enjoy a one night residential stay at our school before they leave us.
Children with identified Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) access additional provision and support to help them achieve specific targets to help them progress. These targets are carefully monitored and parents and carers are updated as part of our commitment to working together to support learning.
Occasionally, children need the support of other agencies from outside school and we work very closely with several providers in Education, Health and Children’s Services. A full copy of our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities policy is available here.
Curriculum Intent
The organisation of our curriculum is summarised in the diagram below. This demonstrates what we want for our children, how we organise learning to achieve these aims and how we measure our success.
Our Great School Journey
We know that learning continues throughout our lives and is punctuated by memorable experiences. We make sure that learning for our pupils is rich in these memorable experiences. The image below shows the memorable opportunities we provide for every child in our school.